At Spinal Care Clinics Brentwood, we use the latest x-ray technology to obtain an accurate diagnosis which helps our chiropractors create the most effective care for you.

The results are instant meaning we can analyse the results and start care the very next day.

Depending on your specific condition, we may take x-rays to help alert our chiropractors to any serious health conditions you’re experiencing.  This isn’t always necessary for every client but it’s something we’ll consider using to make sure your treatment plan is the most effective method for you.

Most people are amazed once they see their x-rays up close.

Our Chiropractors are trained in Radiography and Radiology which means they are fully qualified to take the x-rays and interpret the results.

Providing excellent digital x-rays to meet your health needs

Included in Your X-Rays

Any x-rays taken as part of your initial consultation are included in the fee. Additional x-rays taken at a later time are £75 per set

X-ray results

Your results will normally be ready within 24 hours.  Our chiropractors will analyse your x-rays to ensure that chiropractic care is the most appropriate care for you.  The x-ray results are also used to determine the most effective adjustment technique to be used.

Advanced digital x-ray machine for low radiation

Digital x-rays emit a very low dose of radiation, similar to the dose of a standard flight.

Digital X-Ray                                                                                   £75
Safe, Accurate, Instant Results

•  X-Rays are only taken if clinically required
•  No Charge for X-ray copy email for clients on Care plan  (Offset by plan fee)
•  Pay As You Go clients pay £75 for X-Ray copy & Report

© Spinal Care Clinics 2025
Book your first consultation, ONLY £69!