What is back pain and why should you have it treated?
80% of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. It’s hard to believe it, but it’s something we see here at Spinal Care Clinics every single day.
The friendly back pain specialist near you
We’ve helped thousands of people who have suffered with pain, loss of mobility and who have compromised their lifestyle and even their work due to their pain.
Until they received expert diagnosis and effective solutions from us, they were living a life of pain and discomfort.
What can we do to help?
Doctors used to believe that back pain would heal on it’s own. However, more recent studies have revealed that, if left untreated, back pain may be relieved temporarily but will eventually return with a vengeance. We can offer you a unique multi-dimensional approach to health and wellness.
This approach tackles the different aspects of stress, which led you to experience pain, body dysfunction and ill health. Our team of expert chiropractors use the latest equipment to diagnose your health problems.
This includes a digital x-ray machine, advanced BMI device, digital posture analysis and software to precisely diagnose the root cause of your back pain.
We’ll then tailor an effective treatment plan for you using advanced chiropractic techniques and modern equipment such as electric treatment benches, arthrostim devices, activators and blocks.
We also offer lifestyle support to help you implement healthy habits back into your life. These include:
Personal training for posture correction and core strengthening, which stabilise your spine and pelvis and reduce the risk of future injuries.
Nutritional advice and support based on ‘clean eating’, aiming to reduce inflammation and acidity in the body. Introducing long-term healthy eating habits rather than short term crash diet solutions that DON’T work.
Stress management and mindfulness to allow your body to heal at a quicker rate.

What would my care involve?
Your chiropractic care will help you achieve optimum wellness
- It will alleviate your pain and discomfort in the first instance
- It will ease your movement and improve your body function
- You will recover in the shortest time possible under our care
- With ongoing treatment, chiropractic care can minimize the chance of re-occurrence
You’ll acquire new ‘healthy habits’ that will support your health and well being for life.
We’re incredibly proud of our track record in helping thousands of people do what they love and enjoying their life to the fullest.
So if you’re suffering from any symptoms, which are causing you pain, or you’d just like to improve your posture, strength, flexibility and feel energized again, don’t hesitate to start your road to recovery today.
Ignoring pain could make your condition worse and harder to treat and in turn, prolong your recovery. You don’t have to put up with living a life in pain and we can help you to get back to doing the things you love to do.
Don’t put up with pain, discomfort and loss of mobility for a moment longer.
Reclaiming your flexibility, feeling great again, and living a life without pain is just a few clicks away.
Chiropractic care is a family affair
The whole family can benefit from chiropractic care. Just because there isn’t visible pain, doesn’t mean there isn’t an underlying problem.
Come and get the whole family checked out today.

“Here at the Spinal Care Clinics, you have been so professional, knowledgeable and friendly – plus a great listener. Without your help, support and skills I truly believe I wouldn’t be where I am today; painfree, more mobile, have more strength, positivity and feel in control of life in general again.”

“When I first came to the clinic my neck was very painful and I constantly needed to move around as it hurt when I sat still for long periods of time. My treatments and massages have been fantastic and I am hardly ever in pain anymore. All of the SCC staff are so friendly and accomodating. I always feel very welcome whenever I visit.”

“I attended the clinic following a positive review from my daughter. I had been suffering from a painful neck and shoulder. Following my first treatment I have felt such an improvement and now I have completed the course I am completely pain free. I can’t thank them enough.”

“After 3 years of hospital treatment, with no joy, I was told by my chiropractor what the problem was and how he was going to help! After only 7 weeks of treatment I am able to walk unaided and no longer need the drugs (Which I was told can destroy your nervous system) provided by the hospital! Unbelievable progress!!”
Regain your flexibility, live and work pain free!
X-Rays (if clinically needed)
Comprehensive Report of Findings
Free, no obligation treatment plan
Its everything you need to begin your road to recovery and to start feeling better again:
- A comprehensive review of your health history
- Chiropractic examination
- Postural and spinal assessment
- X-Ray imaging (any number of x-rays needed are included)
- A report of findings: a full explanation of what was found in the consultations and x-rays, plus an explanation of how we can help you restore health, well-being and mobility